Sem verba para um SAP ou TOTVS?
Que tal pilotar o QuickBooks Enterprise?
É quase um ERP, só que bem mais barato!

QuickBooks Desktop

desktop plane cinza

Embora desenvolvido para o mercado norte-americano o QuickBooks Desktop conta no Brasil com uma pequena mas fiel comunidade de aficionados.

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QuickBooks Online - Versões Internacionais


Com a decisão da Intuit de desistir do mercado brasileiro o nosso suporte ao QuickBooks Online é voltado às versões internacionais (em inglês).

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Extensões (Add-Ons)


Extensões (Add ons) são programas ou aplicativos auxiliares que aumentam a funcionalidade do programa ou aplicativo principal. 

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... últimas atualizações

QuickBooks Online: Como sobreviver o dia 30 de abril de 2023

Sim, é isso mesmo! O fim está perto e até tem data marcada: domingo, dia 30, à meia noite!

QuickBooks Online: A conexão Uruguai

Enquanto a Intuit brasileira está se preparando para tirar o QuickBooks Online do ar, você ainda tem uma última chance para transferir seus valiosos dados contábeis para a versão global. Entretanto, o caminho para o QuickBooks “Resto do Mundo”, como também é conhecido, é um pouco sinuoso e envolve um país na fronteira sul do Brasil: o Uruguai.

Última saída: O QuickBooks Online "Resto do Mundo"

Se você for usuário da versão brasileira do QuickBooks Online da empresa norte-americana Intuit, talvez a seguinte situação se aplique a você: Embora a Intuit não tenha se dado bem no Brasil, você se deu bem com o QuickBooks e gostaria de usá-lo depois do dia 30 de abril, quando o aplicativo sair do ar no Brasil.

Estamos no Mastodon!

Não estaria na hora de abandonar as redes sociais que têm dono? A começar pelo Twitter de Elon Musk?

QuickBooks: Propostas indecentes (2)

Como já relatado no artigo anterior, empresas norte-americanas estão começando a procurar pessoas qualificadas (bookkeepers/contadores) para operar o QuickBooks remotamente em outros países, inclusive no Brasil.

QuickBooks em Home Office: Propostas indecentes

Você faz parte do pequeno grupo de pessoas que sabem operar o QuickBooks em inglês? Ou seja, o QuickBooks Desktop ou o Online “Resto do Mundo”?

Empregos: Quem ainda procura candidatos para o QuickBooks Online?

A SBS acompanha diariamente o mercado de trabalho através de diversos sites de busca de emprego, identificando e publicando vagas destinadas a profissionais com experiência no manuseio do QuickBooks (Online e Desktop).

Comunicado importante aos usuários do QuickBooks Desktop

Informamos que a desativação da versão brasileira do QuickBooks Online no próximo ano (30/04/23) não afetará os usuários dos produtos desktop da Intuit.

Intuit anuncia fim do QuickBooks no Brasil e presença local fica em xeque

Três meses depois do fim na Índia chega a vez do Brasil. A diferença: Já é o segundo "good bye"! Leia o artigo publicado em neofeed.com.br

Surpresa: O fim do QuickBooks Online na Índia

Dez anos depois do lançamento do QuickBooks Online da Intuit na Índia, milhares de usuários, entre eles muitos escritórios de contabilidade, receberam uma notícia inesperada.

O que deu errado no QuickBooks Online? [4]

Como (não) lançar retenções de fornecedores

O que deu errado no QuickBooks Online? [3]

Um supercomputador vira despesa a pagar

O que há de novo no QuickBooks Desktop 2022?

Embora o foco para o Intuit seja o serviço de assinatura on-line, o fato é que os produtos de desktop e o ecossistema ao seu redor continuam a crescer.

O que deu errado no QuickBooks Online? [2]

Como traduzir “expense(s)”

O que deu errado no QuickBooks Online? [1]

Pode-se e deve-se entusiasticamente divulgar, vender e implementar um determinado software e publicamente falar mal de outro, sendo os dois do mesmo fabricante?

Você está usando o QuickBooks Pro ou Premier?

A Intuit anunciou mudanças nos produtos QuickBooks Desktop Pro e Premier.

O QuickBooks Online ao redor do mundo

Lista atualizada: As versões localizadas não estão mais disponíveis nos seguintes países: Brasil (!), Índia e México.

Aposentado o QuickBooks Desktop 2018

O aviso anual de sempre da Intuit. Final de maio ...

Test Drive QuickBooks Enterprise Suite

O seu atual software de gestão já não cabe mais em você?

Voltou a Folha de Pagamento Manual!

Boas novas para os usuários do QuickBooks Desktop em tempos difíceis: a folha de pagamento manual está de volta!

Hospedagem do Enterprise em nuvem

Uma notícia surpreendente no início do ano novo: a Atuanti (atuantidatacenter.com.br) está se retirando do mercado de hospedagem do QuickBooks Enterprise em nuvem.

Sua empresa tem filial nos Estados Unidos?

Se a sua empresa tiver uma filial no Estados Unidos o QuickBooks é a melhor opção para contabilizar e monitorar as atividades no país do Tio Sam.

QuickBooks Online com visual Desktop

Uma das desvantagens dos aplicativos desenvolvidos para nuvem é que eles geralmente são menos confortáveis do que programas no tradicional ambiente Windows.

Um osso duro de roer: a folha de pagamento

Seguramente a tarefa mais árdua para os usuários do QuickBooks no Brasil é lançar mensalmente, de forma correta, os dados da folha de pagamento.

Joomla! Announcements

Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system
  1. Joomla 5.1.2 and Joomla 4.4.6 Security and Bug Fix Releases

    The Joomla! Project is pleased to announce the release of Joomla 5.1.2 and 4.4.6. This is a security and bug fix release for the 5.x and 4.x series of Joomla.

  2. Joomla 5.1.1 and Joomla 4.4.5 stable

    Let’s celebrate! The Joomla! Project is pleased to announce the release of Joomla 5.1.1, alongside Joomla 4.4.5,This are bug fix releases for the 5.x and 4.x series of Joomla.

  3. Joomla 5.1.0 and Joomla 4.4.4 stable

    Let’s celebrate! Today is an important day for the Joomla! Project. We’re celebrating six months of hard work by our volunteers, who had the vision to produce a new minor version. Today, we are proud to announce the release of our new minor version, Joomla 5.1, alongside Joomla 4.4.4,

  4. Joomla 5.1.0 Release Candidate 2

    The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the availability of Joomla 5.1 Release Candidate 2 for testing.

    What is this release for?

    There are two main goals for Release Candidates:

    • Providing developers with the basis to test their extensions and reporting any issues well before the final release
    • Allowing users to discover the new features introduced to Joomla 5.1.

    For a complete list of known backward compatibility issues for version 5.1, please see Potential backward compatibility issues in Joomla 5.1 on the documentation site.

    What is this release NOT for?

    This release candidate version of Joomla 5.1 is not suitable for production sites. It is for testing only.

    Where to get it?

    Download Joomla 5.1 rc2

    To always use the latest build of Joomla 5, we invite you to use the nightly build packages (updated every night).

    To make it easier for newcomers, you can launch a free Joomla 5 website for testing at launch.joomla.org.

    When is the final release due?

    Joomla! 5.1 (general availability) will be released on or about 16th April 2024. The planned milestones are:


    • 28th November 2023 - done
    • 26th December 2023 - done
    • 23rd January 2024 - done
    • 20th February 2024 - done

    Beta (Feature Freeze)

    • 5th March 2024 - done
    • 19th March 2024 - done

    Release Candidate (Language Freeze)

    • 2nd April 2024 - done
    • 9th April 2024 - this release

    Stable Release

    • 16th April 2024

    Please note that dates may be subject to change depending on the availability of volunteers and circumstances beyond our control.

    What’s new in Joomla 5.1 Release Candidate?

    We are firmly committed to making the next generation of Joomla the best. These are the features that have been committed to version 5.1.

    • All changes from 4.4 and 5.0
    • Implement TUF updater (#42799)
    • Heavily improve dark mode (#42986)
    • Implement backend dark mode switch (#42221)
    • Implement a Welcome Tour (#41659)
    • SEO: Add trailing slash behaviour (#42702)
    • SEO: Improve URL behaviour with index.php (#42704)
    • Adding notice to global configuration for additional options in SEF plugin (#42832)
    • Update Jooa11y Accessibility Checker Plugin with latest Sa11y (#42780)
    • Improve Guided Tours with new features for required field handling and support for checkbox / radio / select lists as target (#40994)
    • Add regex validation for fields (#42657)
    • Add schema.org Generic type (#42699)
    • Add schema.org Article type (#42402)
    • Allow custom fields form be manipulates like category form (#42510)
    • Replace bootstrap modal with new dialog in backend for
    • Add main region and better support for modules in Cassiopeia error page (#42719)
    • Joomla Update: Improving error handling when writing files (#41096)
    • Update FontAwesome to 6.5.1 (#42721)
    • Update TinyMCE to 6.8.3 (#42930)
    • Strip attributes from images in HTML mails (#42448)
    • Change type of field "value" in table #_fields_values from text to mediumtext (#42606)
    • Add support for subcategory levels in contacts category view (#41618)
    • Add “New Article” button to blog view (#39506)
    • CLI Improvements
      • Add command to manage Joomla core update channels (#42597)
      • Renaming and improving output of core:update:check (#42594)
      • Improve output of Core Update command (#42601)
      • Update:extension:check command (#42844)
      • maintenance database update db structure (42568)
    • Module conversion to service provider
    • Add toolbar buttons in language installation toolbar to go directly to language management views (#42610)
    • Improve long description output for templates (#42651)
    • Add possibility to sort subform rows with buttons "up" and "down" (#42334)
    • Add rebuild button in Tags (#42586)
    • Improve uninstall of package children extension (#42607)
    • Improve webservices filter (#42519)
    • Improve webservice event classes (#42092)
    • Use generic icon for documents in media manager (#42527)
    • Rewrite com_associations in vanilla JS (#42771)
    • Implementing Event classes for PageCache events (#41965)
    • Fix actionlogs information emails containing HTML links (#40033)
    • Load plugin group when executing batch tasks (#39013)
    • Add Global Setting for Form Layout option to custom fields (#37320)
    • Add SVG support to mod_banners (#41854)
    • Several JS improvements (#42756, #42755, #42776, #42784)
    • Update Code style fixer (#42603)
    • Unit test for WebAsset (#42885)

    As it's a release candidate, we now have a language freeze. From now on, no pull Requests touching the language files will be merged unless absolutely necessary (e.g., by fixing a critical bug). We’re two weeks away from a stable release, so the task is now: test, test, test.

    We will not include any other new features in the 5.1 branch from now on. But you’re welcome to propose enhancements and fixes for existing features.

    What are the plans for Joomla 5.1?

    To learn more about our development strategy, please read this article.

    How can you help Joomla 5.1 development?

    To help ensure the 5.1 release and our major features are “production-ready”, we need your help testing releases and reporting any bugs you may find at issues.joomla.org.

    We encourage extension developers to roll up their sleeves, seek out bugs and test their extensions with Joomla 5.1 and communicate their experience.

    Where can I find documentation about Joomla 5?

    There are some tutorials to help you with Joomla 5. You can find the existing ones, like creating a Plugin or a Module for Joomla 5, namespaces conventions, prepared statements, using the new web asset classes and many more in https://docs.joomla.org/Category:Joomla!_5.x

    We encourage developers to help write the documentation about Joomla 5 on docs.joomla.org and manual.joomla.org to help and guide users and other extension developers.

    A JDocs page will help developers to see the existing documentation and the documentation still needed.

    We invite you to check it regularly, update it and provide the missing content.

    Related information

    If you are an extension developer, please make sure you subscribe to the extension developer channel https://joomlacommunity.cloud.mattermost.com/main/channels/extension-development-room

    Where you can join the community of extension developers.

    A Huge Thank You to Our Volunteers!

    A big thank you goes out to everyone who contributed to the release!

  5. Joomla 5.1.0 Release Candidate

    The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the availability of Joomla 5.1 Release Candidate for testing.

    What is this release for?

    There are two main goals for Release Candidates:

    • Providing developers with the basis to test their extensions and reporting any issues well before the final release
    • Allowing users to discover the new features introduced to Joomla 5.1.

    For a complete list of known backward compatibility issues for version 5.1, please see Potential backward compatibility issues in Joomla 5.1 on the documentation site.

    What is this release NOT for?

    This release candidate version of Joomla 5.1 is not suitable for production sites. It is for testing only.

    Where to get it?

    Download Joomla 5.1 rc1

    To always use the latest build of Joomla 5, we invite you to use the nightly build packages (updated every night).

    To make it easier for newcomers, you can launch a free Joomla 5 website for testing at launch.joomla.org.

    When is the final release due?

    Joomla! 5.1 (general availability) will be released on or about 16th April 2024. The planned milestones are:


    • 28th November 2023 - done
    • 26th December 2023 - done
    • 23rd January 2024 - done
    • 20th February 2024 - done

    Beta (Feature Freeze)

    • 5th March 2024 - done
    • 19th March 2024 - done

    Release Candidate (Language Freeze)

    • 2nd April 2024 - this release

    Stable Release

    • 16th April 2024

    Please note that dates may be subject to change depending on the availability of volunteers and circumstances beyond our control.

    What’s new in Joomla 5.1 Release Candidate?

    We are firmly committed to making the next generation of Joomla the best. These are the features that have been committed to version 5.1.

    • All changes from 4.4 and 5.0
    • Implement TUF updater (#42799)
    • Heavily improve dark mode (#42986)
    • Implement backend dark mode switch (#42221)
    • Implement a Welcome Tour (#41659)
    • SEO: Add trailing slash behaviour (#42702)
    • SEO: Improve URL behaviour with index.php (#42704)
    • Adding notice to global configuration for additional options in SEF plugin (#42832)
    • Update Jooa11y Accessibility Checker Plugin with latest Sa11y (#42780)
    • Improve Guided Tours with new features for required field handling and support for checkbox / radio / select lists as target (#40994)
    • Add regex validation for fields (#42657)
    • Add schema.org Generic type (#42699)
    • Add schema.org Article type (#42402)
    • Allow custom fields form be manipulates like category form (#42510)
    • Replace bootstrap modal with new dialog in backend for
    • Add main region and better support for modules in Cassiopeia error page (#42719)
    • Joomla Update: Improving error handling when writing files (#41096)
    • Update FontAwesome to 6.5.1 (#42721)
    • Update TinyMCE to 6.8.3 (#42930)
    • Strip attributes from images in HTML mails (#42448)
    • Change type of field "value" in table #_fields_values from text to mediumtext (#42606)
    • Add support for subcategory levels in contacts category view (#41618)
    • Add “New Article” button to blog view (#39506)
    • CLI Improvements
      • Add command to manage Joomla core update channels (#42597)
      • Renaming and improving output of core:update:check (#42594)
      • Improve output of Core Update command (#42601)
      • Update:extension:check command (#42844)
      • maintenance database update db structure (42568)
    • Module conversion to service provider
    • Add toolbar buttons in language installation toolbar to go directly to language management views (#42610)
    • Improve long description output for templates (#42651)
    • Add possibility to sort subform rows with buttons "up" and "down" (#42334)
    • Add rebuild button in Tags (#42586)
    • Improve uninstall of package children extension (#42607)
    • Improve webservices filter (#42519)
    • Improve webservice event classes (#42092)
    • Use generic icon for documents in media manager (#42527)
    • Rewrite com_associations in vanilla JS (#42771)
    • Implementing Event classes for PageCache events (#41965)
    • Fix actionlogs information emails containing HTML links (#40033)
    • Load plugin group when executing batch tasks (#39013)
    • Add Global Setting for Form Layout option to custom fields (#37320)
    • Add SVG support to mod_banners (#41854)
    • Several JS improvements (#42756, #42755, #42776, #42784)
    • Update Code style fixer (#42603)
    • Unit test for WebAsset (#42885)

    As it's a release candidate, we now have a language freeze. From now on, no pull Requests touching the language files will be merged unless absolutely necessary (e.g., by fixing a critical bug). We’re two weeks away from a stable release, so the task is now: test, test, test.

    We will not include any other new features in the 5.1 branch from now on. But you’re welcome to propose enhancements and fixes for existing features.

    What are the plans for Joomla 5.1?

    To learn more about our development strategy, please read this article.

    How can you help Joomla 5.1 development?

    To help ensure the 5.1 release and our major features are “production-ready”, we need your help testing releases and reporting any bugs you may find at issues.joomla.org.

    We encourage extension developers to roll up their sleeves, seek out bugs and test their extensions with Joomla 5.1 and communicate their experience.

    Where can I find documentation about Joomla 5?

    There are some tutorials to help you with Joomla 5. You can find the existing ones, like creating a Plugin or a Module for Joomla 5, namespaces conventions, prepared statements, using the new web asset classes and many more in https://docs.joomla.org/Category:Joomla!_5.x

    We encourage developers to help write the documentation about Joomla 5 on docs.joomla.org and manual.joomla.org to help and guide users and other extension developers.

    A JDocs page will help developers to see the existing documentation and the documentation still needed.

    We invite you to check it regularly, update it and provide the missing content.

    Related information

    If you are an extension developer, please make sure you subscribe to the extension developer channel https://joomlacommunity.cloud.mattermost.com/main/channels/extension-development-room

    Where you can join the community of extension developers.

    A Huge Thank You to Our Volunteers!

    A big thank you goes out to everyone who contributed to the release!


Independent Quickbooks Solution Provider 

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